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Let's search it! :  Advanced search skills for Medicine & Dentistry Online

For staff and research students


Please sign up for the session via the CPD training site

This workshop will be hosted online via MSTeams

Let's search it! :  Advanced search skills for Medicine & Dentistry

Let's search it! provides a deeper exploration of some of the topics covered in Research it! and takes a comprehensive look into the skills and resources which can be used for a successful (re)search experience. Suitable for all new and early-career researchers, including PhD students and research staff within the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, who are interested in developing their search skills. This session is designed to be highly interactive and participant driven.

This session will cover:
-    How to plan a good search
-    Search tips and techniques
-    A guided hands-on exploration of key databases 
-    What to do when you discover too much information or cannot find any
-    How grey literature and open access material can help you in your research

Thursday, May 23, 2024
10:00am - 12:00pm
  Research postgraduates     Staff  
  Database searching (advanced)     Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry  
This is an online event. Event URL: https://cpd-training.qmul.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=13

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Paula Funnell
Paula Funnell

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